Sunday, October 25, 2009

Excel Tutorial: the basics

Spreadsheeting, Part 1:
Quick review for entering formulas and basic formatting.

  • Note: To ENLARGE the following videos, simply hit the button in the bottom right corner (right of the Volume/Speaker button and looks like a target).

Spreadsheeting, Part 2: 
Data Manipulation and Charting/Graphing.
(The last sentence ends abruptly at 5-minutes, so don't be concerned if it seems to be chopped off.)

  • Link to above video (on Screenr), or view it on Youtube

Spreadsheet, Part 3: 
Calculating the % of Increase (to measure improvement from Pre-Test to Post-Test). Piece of cake!

Spreadsheeting Part 3: 
Embedding your Data and Chart into a Blog post.

1- Illustrations: Share and Publish as a web page
2- Get a link to the published data -> select HTML to embed in a page

3- Experiment with the frame width and height (as desired)
  • The Default: width =500 may be too narrow. Try 800 or 900.
  • The Default: height=300 may be to short. Try 700 or 800.

NOTE 1: You don't have to publish All Sheets. In the above illustration, one could select the drop-down menu that says All-Sheets and select just the sheet they desire.

NOTE 2: If embedding in a Blog Post -> select the EditHTML tab to paste your embedded coding.

NOTE 3: one can edit the height="300" to a larger number to prevent vertical scrolling.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Google Form demonstration

Demonstration of Google Forms (one of the Google Docs options).
Type in some questions (T/F, Mult Choice, Short answer, Open ended, etc.)
Post Form in a Blog or web site or email to participants.

Students enter and submit their responses.
Google Sheets/Forms instantly updates to master data sheet, including tons of statistical analysis. One can post the results, also.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Tech Literacy required for Students & Teachers

Following the short presentation on "The State of Oregon has a specific set of technology requirements for both students and teachers", briefly describe some strategies you could implement at your grade level(s) in order to accomplish this huge task. Suggestions include:
  • Reivew slides #7 - #10 on the Redmond Presentation.
    • One of the richest resources I've found is titled "Wonderful Web2.0 connection to NETS*S by COSN."

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Web2.0 and Rethinking our Schools

Each of you have posted a reflection on Web2.0 and Rethinking our Schools in your own personal Blog. Your task is to copy/paste this text as a Comment in this Educ 520 Course Blog. All comments will be available to everyone, so it provides a nice one-stop shop to get a wonderful collective overview.

My Favorite Web2.0 Tools

Each of you recently selected two favorite Web2.0 tools and posted a reflection in your personal Blog.
Your task is to copy your text, then paste it in the Comment section of this Post on our Educ520 Course Blog. All comments will be available to everyone, which will provide a one-stop shop to share our reflections.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Post #3: Demonstration: Inserting Images and Videos into a Blog Post

1. Here is an image (photo) that we inserted.
We wrapped the text to the left.

2. Sample embedded slide show from Google Photos (Album)

3. Embedded videos (camera to

Megan and her kids going to class (4shared | google-video)

Describe several of the teaching strategies that Shaun is demonstrating (4shared | google video).

Demonstration of Yodio. Telephone plus Internet = Video

Podcasting demonstration using (free podcast hosting). I uploaded a video from my computer to Then copy/pasted their embedding coding into this Post. Works great.